

Efficient representation of cross current effects in contributor-based power models
DescriptionShort circuit or cross current power is the component of dynamic power that occurs when both pull-up and pull-down networks are on at the same time. As we move to smaller technologies, cross current contribution to overall chip power is significantly increasing. So modelling this accurately has become important. Following the industry standard, IEEE 2416, contributor-based modeling enhances power modeling efficiency by using PVT (Process, Voltage, and Temperature) independent modeling. We present a new approach to model cross current power in a unique way, that is both accurate and efficient, fitting into the contributor modeling paradigm. This a first in the industry, which is used in the tape out of IBM microprocessors. The presented techniques also allow for hierarchical separation of cross current power component, for effective management of its consumption, in dynamic power dominated high-performance microprocessors. This approach overcomes the limitations of existing methods (.libs etc.) which though accurate, are inefficient. Experimental results on cells from standard cell library used in IBM microprocessors demonstrates accuracy of the proposed model to be within ~+5% when compared to detailed circuit simulations. The model size increase is negligible, and computation cost is minimal compared to existing approaches.
Event Type
Back-End Design
TimeTuesday, June 2510:48am - 11:06am PDT
Location2008, 2nd Floor
Back-End Design
Engineering Tracks