Clock parameter tuning with an intelligent adaptive learning to improve performance and power of Multisource Clock Tree Synthesis
DescriptionClock parameter tuning and optimization of clock networks in lower technology nodes is one of the challenges in Backend design. Every design has its own unique challenges and coming out with a fixed recipe without understanding design models seems impractical. Identifying best recipe that affect timing and some additional parameters that may improve timing cannot be tested in a short amount of time and it is a time-consuming process that requires significant effort from the design engineer. Intelligent Adaptive learning tool capability gives us the best way to sweep multiple parameters in an efficient way to tune recipes to achieve better Performance and Power. This capability is used to free the design engineer from the drudgery of manual search, comparing and learning. This approach provides an explanation to the user that justifies its recommendations, decision, or action. The user decides based on the explanation and it helps designer to identify right knobs which are giving best results in terms of timing and power. Adaptive learning approach allowing tool to explore all possibilities within predefined user inputs/objectives to achieve best QoR. The clock methodology is used for evaluation is Multisource Clock Tree Synthesis (MSCTS).This presentation investigates comparative studies of Conventional CTS, MSCTS and MSCTS with Adaptive Learning tool and summarizes improvements that have been achieved in clock QOR.
Event Type
Back-End Design
TimeMonday, June 2411:30am - 11:45am PDT
Location2008, 2nd Floor
Back-End Design
Engineering Tracks