Architecting a True Hybrid Cloud Environment for Massively Parallelized EDA Workloads
DescriptionBursting EDA workloads from on-prem to cloud is a challenge for most on-prem environments that are increasingly running out of capacity due to the growing complexity of advanced-node designs. For massively parallelized workloads, such as library characterization, implementation and physical verification, engineers currently need to split their designs between on-prem and cloud execution if they want to leverage the scalable compute capacity on cloud. Depending on the design, this is a tedious activity that eats away at precious engineering productivity. And once job execution is complete, the process to transfer output data back from cloud to on-prem and aggregate it with output generated on-prem adds to this overhead. In this session, we will discuss a unique approach to enabling a true hybrid cloud environment architected specifically for EDA workloads which enables engineers to submit a large job exclusively on-prem automatically splitting the job, routing selective worker traffic through a secure network for cloud execution, and syncing data generated on cloud back to on-prem storage for further processing in the flow. Along with license management automation, hybrid cloud optimization can radically improve engineering productivity and enhance the coverall cloud experience for SoC design.
Event Type
Exhibitor Forum
TimeTuesday, June 2510:30am - 11:00am PDT
LocationExhibitor Forum, Level 1 Exhibit Hall