With great power comes great responsibility – A guide to customizing your processor with verification in mind
DescriptionCustomization is now the way forward for increasing performance in electronic systems. By customizing the processor to the actual workload, you can gain massive improvements for power, performance, and area. Using the right tools, customization can be approached using a fast and easy iterative approach enabling rapid architecture exploration and automated RTL and SDK generation. But how can you keep control of the customizations made during the design process, and how can you ensure the design is easily verified once you have achieved the performance you need? The answer is in bounded customization. By adding custom instructions within set bounds, you can achieve a good balance of freedom and control. Because you will not need to re-verify the entire core, the verification process will be smooth. With bounded customization, there is no risk of dead silicon because the custom instructions cannot break the baseline core. By working with tools able to generate the customized RTL and SDK as well as a verification environment aiding the verification of the custom instructions, you gain the power to customize and the confidence to claim responsibility for the end result.
Event Type
Exhibitor Forum
TimeWednesday, June 263:30pm - 4:00pm PDT
LocationExhibitor Forum, Level 1 Exhibit Hall