Enabling a new era of Software Shift Left with Veloce CS
DescriptionAs software defined products become the norm and software workloads impact every aspect of system architecture and implementation, we need ways to include software in every aspect of the design from early architecture exploration, through logic design, and into integration and validation. This places new demands on systems designers, creates new verification challenges, and at the same time opens opportunities for design teams to begin software design long before silicon availability.
In this presentation we will explore the changing face of design in a software defined world, how software shift lest can accelerate product development while reducing risk, and how the unique capabilities offered by the new Siemens EDA Veloce CS platform makes software shift left available to all design teams.
In this presentation we will explore the changing face of design in a software defined world, how software shift lest can accelerate product development while reducing risk, and how the unique capabilities offered by the new Siemens EDA Veloce CS platform makes software shift left available to all design teams.
Event Type
Exhibitor Forum
TimeMonday, June 2412:00pm - 12:30pm PDT
LocationExhibitor Forum, Level 1 Exhibit Hall