Charting Uncharted Waters: Functional Simulation Reshaping CDC/RDC Constraints Signoff
DescriptionClock Domain Crossing (CDC)and Reset Domain crossing(RDC) checks signoff poses several challenges in digital design, and addressing these challenges is crucial for ensuring the reliability and correctness of complex SoC's. While static analysis tools provide critical role in CDC/ RDC analysis, functional verification through simulations is equally necessary to validate the correctness of architectural assumptions to signoff the correctness of static analysis.
Current CDC/RDC constraints signoff challenges:
Accuracy of constraints : CDC/RDC constraints used for static analysis gets written based on certain design assumptions but what if these assumptions are incorrect .
Thoroughness of constraints : What if these assumptions are not complete ?
Validation of constraints : Existing flow doesn't ensure the validity of these constrains.
Fundamental goal of this presentation is to provide holistic methodology for CDC/RDC constraints signoff which has been written based on design assumption using SystemVerilog Assertions(SVA) in functional simulations.
Current CDC/RDC constraints signoff challenges:
Accuracy of constraints : CDC/RDC constraints used for static analysis gets written based on certain design assumptions but what if these assumptions are incorrect .
Thoroughness of constraints : What if these assumptions are not complete ?
Validation of constraints : Existing flow doesn't ensure the validity of these constrains.
Fundamental goal of this presentation is to provide holistic methodology for CDC/RDC constraints signoff which has been written based on design assumption using SystemVerilog Assertions(SVA) in functional simulations.
Event Type
Engineering Track Poster
TimeMonday, June 245:00pm - 6:00pm PDT
LocationLevel 2 Exhibit Hall
Back-End Design
Embedded Systems
Front-End Design