Enhanced State-Propagation based Vectorless IR-Drop Analysis Emulating Realistic Silicon Behavior
DescriptionPre-Silicon IR-drop analysis accuracy depends on the logic toggling scenarios covered, along with other factors. Vector-based IR drop analysis is more accurate as real stimuli are used, but generally cannot cover the whole design or toggling scenarios, hence vectorless analysis is conventionally used. The key aspect in vectorless IR analysis is coverage of cells toggling scenarios. The State-propagation based vectorless analysis in Cadence Voltus is the right approach to ensure Silicon behavior is mimicked in the Pre-Si IR analysis, as it assigns activity at sources and then propagates it through the downstream logic-cone. But it lacks in a few aspects related how different Event Generators can be enforced to toggle together, how more unique toggling scenarios can be created and how to control the analysis based on target power. Three major enhancements are proposed to address those – back-propagation to enable concurrent clock and data network handling, increased scenario coverage by reshuffling flops, and target power based controls. The enhancements help improve the vectorless analysis significantly through realistic toggling activities, increased coverage and granular power controls. This in turn helps in having more robust Pre-Si IR analysis closure, enhancing chances of 1st pass Silicon success.
Event Type
Engineering Track Poster
TimeMonday, June 245:00pm - 6:00pm PDT
LocationLevel 2 Exhibit Hall
Back-End Design
Embedded Systems
Front-End Design