Who watches the watchman? FuSa Verification of DCLS configuration through Formal and Static checks
SessionAdvanced Verification
DescriptionIncreasing use of electronic components in safety-critical applications like healthcare, automobiles, etc. have made manufacturers aim for zero defects-per-billion deliveries. The onus is on the design and verification engineers to deliver such high quality products without compromising on time-to-market metrices. Dual Core Lock Step (DCLS) is a configuration that is used widely in Functional Safety (FuSa) applications to alert the user whenever a system deviates from its specified behaviour. Given many possible implementations of the DCLS configuration, verification of a DCLS implemenation becomes a challenging tasks. In this work, we present a generic DCLS verification package which uses formal and static checks to verify all aspects of a DCLS implementation. We demonstrate some of the bugs and detail out our prosposed checks which have been successfully applied on mulitple in-house designs.
Event Type
Front-End Design
TimeTuesday, June 252:30pm - 2:45pm PDT
Location2010, 2nd Floor
Engineering Tracks
Front-End Design