

Going Vertical. Challenges of the Automotive Silicon Ecosystem
DescriptionThe increasing dynamics of automotive use-cases lead to novel challenges given the rigid requirements on dependability of these systems. While Advanced Driver Assistance use-cases call for more and more compute performance other use-cases raise the need for flexible and frequent integration of updates and upgrades. In this context, we see contradicting paradigms: on one hand, to optimize for specific dedicated hardware targets, thus rendering the application dependent on this hardware, and on the other hand to make hardware a commodity that is easy to change with a proclaimed decoupling of hardware and software.
At the same time, the multi-year turnaround cycles from OEMs down to Tier2 suppliers make it harder to predict the required functionality and optimal split between general purpose and dedicated hardware.
This leads to significant challenges along the vertical supply chain:
• Where are the right places to introduce abstractions to decouple functional layers? Where shall we avoid that to allow for optimizations?
• Which technology layers need what grade of standardization to warrant successful adoption and still foster competition through USPs?
• How can we shorten the turnaround cycles by integrating tools of standardized interfaces?
New technologies and advancements seem to be promising, e.g., chiplet technology, but must stand the test of automotive qualification which raises additional open questions.
In this session we will go along the vertical and bring together esteemed industry leader to give an insight into the challenges on each level.
Event Type
TimeTuesday, June 253:30pm - 5:00pm PDT
Location2008, 2nd Floor
Engineering Tracks