Cherished Memories - Exploring the Power of Innovative Memory Architectures for AI applications
DescriptionWith all the discussion about Moore's Law, one thing is for sure: Memories aren't scaling as much as logic. On the other hand, AI applications, so popular these days, require increasing amount of memory. Add to that the need to extend the use of available fabs, and you get a great reason to explore new memory paradigms.
In this session we'll explore cutting-edge technologies transforming the landscape of memory design. The expert speakers will share real-world applications in AI, machine learning, and edge computing, exploring new technologies and optimization strategies.
In this session we'll explore cutting-edge technologies transforming the landscape of memory design. The expert speakers will share real-world applications in AI, machine learning, and edge computing, exploring new technologies and optimization strategies.
Event Type
TimeMonday, June 2410:30am - 12:00pm PDT
Location2012, 2nd Floor
Engineering Tracks