Ink: Efficient Incremental k-Critical Path Generation
DescriptionCritical Path Generation (CPG) is crucial for static timing analysis applications to validate timing constraints. Recent years have witnessed CPG algorithms that rank critical paths efficiently and accurately. However, they all lack incrementality, which is the ability to quickly update critical paths after the circuit is incrementally modified. To solve this, we introduce Ink, an efficient incremental CPG algorithm. Ink identifies reusable paths for the next query and effectively prunes the path search space. Ink is up to 22.4× faster and consumes up to 31% less memory than a state-of-the-art timer when generating one million paths on a large design.
Event Type
Research Manuscript
TimeTuesday, June 2511:30am - 11:45am PDT
Location3008, 3rd Floor
Timing and Power Analysis and Optimization