High-Performance Remote Data Persisting for Key-Value Stores via Persistent Memory Region
DescriptionKey-Value Stores (KVStores) have been widely used in real-world production environments. To guarantee data durability, traditional KVStores suffer from high write latency mainly caused by the long networking and remote data-persisting time. To solve this problem, this paper presents a novel remote data-persisting path for KVStores with low latency. The novelty of this study is two-fold. First, we present PMRDirect, which utilizes the Persistent Memory Region (PMR) in the NVMe standard to construct a remote data-persisting path from RDMA NICs to the PMR region inside an SSD. Second, to showcase PMRDirect in KVStores, we develop a new accessing stack called PMRAccess, enabling remote clients to persist data to existing KVStores quickly. We conduct extensive experiments to compare PMRDirect with a few remote data-persisting paths and evaluate PMRAccess on LevelDB. The results show that PMRDirect achieved the lowest write latency and the highest write bandwidth. Moreover, PMRAccess outperforms the SSD-based accessing stack by up to 6.1× in write throughput and 36× in write tail-latency, and it achieves 1.7× higher write throughput and 0.59× lower write tail-latency over the PMEM-based accessing stack.
Event Type
Work-in-Progress Poster
TimeWednesday, June 266:00pm - 7:00pm PDT
LocationLevel 2 Lobby
Autonomous Systems
Embedded Systems