CDS: An Anti-Aging Calibratable Digital Sensor for Detecting Multiple Types of Fault Injection Attacks
DescriptionIn this paper, we present CDS, a delay chain based digital sensor that exploits timing variations of both detector and protected object for detecting multiple types of fault injection attacks. To demonstrate its capability, we use CDS to protect the hardware accelerator of PRESENT cryptographic algorithm against multiple glitching attacks. Simulation results show that (1) CDS can detect 100% of voltage and temperature coordinated glitching attacks with 4.1% early warning; (2) CDS can detect 100% of laser glitching attacks with 9.1% early warning; (3) CDS maintains outstanding aging resistance with only 1.1% false alarm rate after 7 years of use.
Event Type
Research Manuscript
TimeTuesday, June 252:30pm - 2:45pm PDT
Location3012, 3rd Floor
Hardware Security: Attack and Defense