Alchemist: A Unified Accelerator Architecture for Cross-Scheme Fully Homomorphic Encryption
SessionHardware Security Primitives
DescriptionThe use of cross-scheme fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) in privacy-preserving applications challenges hardware accelerator design. Existing accelerator architectures fail to efficiently handle hybrid FHE schemes due to the mismatch between computational demands and hardware resources. We propose a novel architecture using a hardware-friendly, versatile low-level operator, i.e., Meta-OP. Our slot-based data management efficiently handles memory access patterns of the meta-op for diverse operations. Alchemist accelerates both arithmetic and logic FHE with high hardware utilization rates. Compared to existing ASIC accelerators, Alchemist outperforms with a 29.4× performance per area improvement for arithmetic FHE and a 7.0× overall speedup for logic FHE.
Event Type
Research Manuscript
TimeWednesday, June 264:15pm - 4:30pm PDT
Location3012, 3rd Floor
Hardware Security: Primitives, Architecture, Design & Test