Cooling the Chaos: Mitigating the Effect of Threshold Voltage Variation in Cryogenic CMOS Memories
DescriptionCryogenic CMOS is a promising technology for high performance computing due to its improvement in subthreshold slope, carrier mobilities and reduced wire resistance. The threshold voltage (Vth) increase at 77K can be mitigated by metal gate work function (PHIG) engineering to achieve matched off current (IOFF) further enhancing the device performance allowing us to operate at very low supply voltage thereby reducing the Energy Delay Product (EDP). However, the effect of variation on noise margins of static random access memories (SRAM) deploying these matched IOFF devices is very prominent especially at low supply voltages (VDD) limiting its scaling. In this work, we propose a framework to perform Vth retargeting for cryogenic SRAM for improving noise margins in high performance cryogenic SRAM cells under variation. The proposed framework comprises of a Monte-Carlo engine which performs statistical analysis and DC characterization and a backend processing engine to analyze noise margins and tune the PHIG. To demonstrate the framework, we use calibrated 14nm FinFET models at 300K and 77K. First, we analyze the logic blocks using iso-IOFF devices, which yield up to 3x improvement in delay at iso energy and a 4.5x reduction in energy at iso delay. Next, we study the effect of Vth variation on the device currents. Finally, the framework is deployed to tune PHIG, and results show that it can enhance the noise margins by 23%, 31% and 19% for hold, read and write operations respectively at 77K compared to iso-IOFF devices. Further, a 1kb SRAM array has been simulated using iso-IOFF tuned peripherals and framework tuned SRAM cells which shows 5.4x reduction in read/write energies along with 1.2x delay reduction and better noise margins at 77K compared to 300K.
Event Type
Work-in-Progress Poster
TimeTuesday, June 256:00pm - 7:00pm PDT
LocationLevel 2 Lobby
Autonomous Systems
Embedded Systems