Deep Harmonic Finesse: Signal Separation in Wearable Systems with Limited Data
DescriptionWe present a method, referred to as Deep Harmonic Finesse (DHF), for separation of non-stationary quasi-periodic signals when limited data is available. The problem frequently arises in wearable systems in which, a combination of quasi-periodic physiological phenomena give rise to the sensed signal, and excessive data collection is prohibitive. Our approach utilizes prior knowledge of time-frequency patterns in the signals to mask and in-paint spectrograms. This is achieved through an application-inspired deep harmonic neural network coupled with an integrated pattern alignment component. The network's structure embeds the implicit harmonic priors within the time-frequency domain, while the pattern-alignment method transforms the sensed signal, ensuring a strong alignment with the network. The effectiveness of the algorithm is demonstrated in the context of non-invasive fetal monitoring using both synthesized and in vivo data. When applied to the synthesized data, our method exhibits significant improvements in signal-to-distortion ratio (26% on average) and mean squared error (80% on average), compared to the best competing method. When applied to in vivo data captured in pregnant animal studies, our method improves the correlation error between estimated fetal blood oxygen saturation and the ground truth by 80.5% compared to the state of the art.
Event Type
Research Manuscript
TimeTuesday, June 2511:00am - 11:15am PDT
Location3001, 3rd Floor
AI/ML Algorithms