Architectural Exploration of Application-Specific Resonant SRAM Compute-in-Memory (rCiM)
DescriptionVon Neumann's architecture has played a fundamental role in advancing state-of-the-art computing platforms. Despite its contributions, the architecture's heavy reliance on data movement between memory and processor elements poses a significant challenge. The evolving compute-in-memory (CiM) paradigm offers a promising solution to address the memory wall bottleneck by facilitating simultaneous processing and storage within static random-access memory (SRAM) elements. Numerous design decisions taken at different levels of hierarchy affect the figure of merits (FoMs) of SRAM, such as power, performance, area, and yield. The absence of a rapid assessment mechanism for the impact of changes at different hierarchy levels on global FoMs poses a challenge to accurately evaluating innovative SRAM designs. This paper presents an automation tool designed to optimize the energy and latency of SRAM designs incorporating diverse implementation strategies for executing logic operations within the SRAM. The tool structure allows easy comparison across different array topologies and various design strategies to result in energy-efficient implementations. Our study involves a comprehensive comparison of over 6900+ distinct design implementation strategies for EPFL combinational benchmark circuits on the energy-recycling resonant compute-in-memory (rCiM) architecture designed using TSMC 28 nm technology. When provided with a combinational circuit, the tool aims to generate an energy-efficient implementation strategy tailored to the specified input memory and latency constraints. The tool reduces 80.9% of energy consumption on average across all benchmarks compared to baseline implementation of single-macro topology by considering the parallel processing capability of rCiM cache size ranging from 4KB to 192KB
Event Type
Work-in-Progress Poster
TimeTuesday, June 256:00pm - 7:00pm PDT
LocationLevel 2 Lobby
Autonomous Systems
Embedded Systems