nvmXR: Design Space Exploration of Non-Volatile Memory Architectures for Edge-XR Systems
DescriptionThe concurrent execution of deep neural network (DNN) models over various input modalities is a growing trend for tackling complex scenarios where user inputs and contextual features collected by sampling visual and auditory signals are combined to provide more immersive and intelligent user-computer interactions. One field in which these types of application scenarios have shown to be pervasive is eXtended Reality (XR). One key challenge in enabling multi-modal execution is the requirement for XR systems to host and execute inference operations on a collection of different DNN models on mobile devices such as headsets. This work explores the optimization of XR memory architectures using embedded non-volatile memories (NVMs). We present nvmXR, a cross-stack evaluation framework that allows designers to compare different ReRAM-based architectures and identify optimal memory solutions based on specific workload constraints.
Event Type
Work-in-Progress Poster
TimeTuesday, June 256:00pm - 7:00pm PDT
LocationLevel 2 Lobby
Autonomous Systems
Embedded Systems