Partitioned Scheduling and Parallelism Assignment for Real-Time DNN Inference Tasks on Multi-TPU
SessionGetting Real in Real-Time
DescriptionPipelining on Edge Tensor Processing Units (TPUs) optimizes the deep neural network (DNN) inference by breaking it down into multiple stages processed concurrently on multiple accelerators. Such DNN inference tasks can be modeled as sporadic non-preemptive gangs with execution times that vary with their parallelism levels. This paper proposes a strict partitioning strategy for deploying DNN inferences in real-time systems. The strategy determines tasks' parallelism levels and assigns tasks to disjoint processor partitions. Configuring the tasks in the same partition with a uniform parallelism level avoids scheduling anomalies and enables schedulability verification using well-understood uniprocessor analyses. Evaluation using real-world Edge TPU benchmarks demonstrated that the proposed method achieves a higher schedulability ratio than state-of-the-art gang scheduling techniques.
Event Type
Research Manuscript
TimeTuesday, June 2511:00am - 11:15am PDT
Location3012, 3rd Floor
Embedded Systems
Time-Critical and Fault-Tolerant System Design