Annotating Slack Directly on Your Verilog: Fine-Grained RTL Timing Evaluation for Early Optimization
DescriptionIn digital IC design, the early register-transfer level (RTL) stage offers greater optimization flexibility than post-synthesis netlists or layouts. Some recent machine learning (ML) solutions propose to predict the overall timing of a design at the RTL stage, but the fine-grained timing information of individual registers remains unavailable. In this work, we introduce RTL-Timer, the first fine-grained general timing estimator applicable to any given design. RTL-Timer explores multiple promising RTL representations and customizes loss functions to capture the maximum arrival time at register endpoints. RTL-Timer's fine-grained predictions are further applied to guide optimization in a standard logic synthesis flow.
Event Type
Research Manuscript
TimeTuesday, June 2510:30am - 10:45am PDT
Location3008, 3rd Floor
Timing and Power Analysis and Optimization