

PathFuzz: Broadening Fuzzing Horizons with Footprint Memory for CPUs
DescriptionCoverage metrics have been widely adopted to quantify the completeness of hardware verification. Recently, coverage-guided fuzzing has emerged as a popular method for automatically creating test inputs toward higher verification coverage reach. However, we observe that its effectiveness on CPUs is hindered by limited sources of seed corpus and efficiency of mutations. To broaden the fuzzing horizons, this paper proposes the PathFuzz framework incorporating an efficient input format for fuzzing CPUs, the footprint memory, with seed corpus from real-world large-scale programs. Experiments demonstrate that using PathFuzz reaches over 95% verification coverage with four long-standing bugs newly identified in two well-known open-source CPU designs.
Event Type
Research Manuscript
TimeTuesday, June 252:30pm - 2:45pm PDT
Location3008, 3rd Floor
Design Verification and Validation