TIGA: Towards Efficient Near Data Processing in SmartNICs-based Disaggregated Memory Systems
DescriptionMemory disaggregation, facilitated by SmartNICs, has emerged as a cost-effective approach for sharing memory resources in data centers. However, current SoC-based SmartNICs face several challenges for supporting near-data processing (NDP) in DM systems effectively. To address these challenges, we propose TIGA, an efficient NDP framework for SmartNICs-based DM systems. We propose an adaptive resource allocator to fully utilize SoC cores, and a SmartNIC-CPU cooperative mechanism to schedule NDP tasks. We prototype TIGA with FPGAs and evaluate it with typical workloads. Experimental results show that TIGA significantly improves the efficiency of NDP tasks in DM systems.
Event Type
Research Manuscript
TimeThursday, June 273:00pm - 3:15pm PDT
Location3003, 3rd Floor
In-memory and Near-memory Computing Circuits