Conclave - Secure and Robust Cooperative Perception for Connected Autonomous Vehicle Using Authenticated Consensus and Trust Scoring
DescriptionConnected Autonomous Vehicles have great potential to improve automobile safety and traffic flow, especially in cooperative applications where perception data is shared between vehicles. However, this cooperation must be secured from malicious intent and unintentional errors that could cause accidents. In this paper, we propose Conclave -- a tightly coupled authentication, consensus, and trust scoring mechanism that provides comprehensive security and reliability for cooperative perception. Overall, Conclave shows huge promise in preventing security flaws, detecting even relatively minor sensing faults, and increasing the robustness and accuracy of cooperative perception in CAVs while adding minimal overhead.
Event Type
Research Manuscript
TimeWednesday, June 261:45pm - 2:00pm PDT
Location3001, 3rd Floor
Autonomous Systems
Autonomous Systems (Automotive, Robotics, Drones)