LIVAK: A High-Performance In-Memory Learned Index for Variable-Length Keys
DescriptionIn-memory learned index has been an efficient approach supporting in-memory fast data access. However, existing learned indexes are inefficient in supporting variable-length keys. To address this issue, we propose a new in-memory learned index called LIVAK that adopts a hybrid structure involving trie, learned index, and B+-tree. Each node indexes an 8-byte slice of keys, and we use learned indexes for large nodes but B+-trees for small nodes. Also, LIVAK presents a character re-encoding mechanism to avoid performance degradation. We compare LIVAK with B+-tree, Masstree, and SIndex on various datasets and workloads, and the results suggest the efficiency of LIVAK.
Event Type
Research Manuscript
TimeThursday, June 272:30pm - 2:45pm PDT
Location3003, 3rd Floor
In-memory and Near-memory Computing Circuits