

Garrison: A High-Performance GPU-Accelerated Inference System for Adversarial Ensemble Defense
DescriptionAdversarial ensemble defense is one of the most effective techniques for defending against adversarial attacks, which constructs ensembles of multiple DNNs to improve the model's robustness. However, deploying ensemble defense methods on existing DNN inference systems is inefficient and impractical due to their dynamics and randomness. To this end, we propose an inference system for adversarial ensemble defense called Garrison, which can deliver robust and low-latency predictions using Multi-Instance GPUs. Our evaluations show that Garrison can improve adversarial robustness by up to 24.5% while accelerating ensemble inference by up to 6.6x compared to the state-of-the-art inference framework.
Event Type
Research Manuscript
TimeWednesday, June 2610:45am - 11:00am PDT
Location3008, 3rd Floor
AI/ML System and Platform Design