

DEFA: Efficient Deformable Attention Acceleration via Pruning-Assisted Grid-Sampling and Multi-Scale Parallel Processing
DescriptionMulti-scale deformable attention (MSDeformAttn) has emerged as a key mechanism in various vision tasks, demonstrating explicit superiority attributed to multi-scale grid-sampling. However, this newly introduced operator incurs irregular data access and enormous memory requirement, leading to severe PE under-utilization. Meanwhile, existing approaches for attention acceleration cannot be directly applied to MSDeformAttn due to lack of support for this distinct procedure. Therefore, we propose a dedicated algorithm-architecture co-design dubbed DEFA, the first-of-its-kind method for MSDeformAttn acceleration. At the algorithm level, DEFA adopts frequency-weighted pruning and probability-aware pruning for feature maps and sampling points respectively, alleviating the memory footprint by over 80%. At the architecture level, it explores the multi-scale parallelism to boost the throughput significantly and further reduces the memory access via fine-grained layer fusion and feature map reusing. Extensively evaluated on representative benchmarks, DEFA achieves 10.1-31.9× speedup and 20.3-37.7× energy efficiency boost compared to powerful GPU platforms. It also rivals the related accelerators by 2.2-3.7× energy efficiency improvement while providing pioneering support of MSDeformAttn.
Event Type
Research Manuscript
TimeTuesday, June 2510:30am - 10:45am PDT
Location3003, 3rd Floor
AI/ML Architecture Design