

Learn-by-Compare: Analog Performance Prediction using Contrastive Regression with Design Knowledge
DescriptionThis paper introduces Learn-by-Compare (LbC), a novel approach for analog performance modeling by employing semi-supervised contrastive regression. LbC employs a deep neural network encoder to come up with latent representations of sizing solutions by comparing similarity/dissimilarity of the underlying performance. Leveraging two levels of transistor-level sizing data augmentation (DA), namely LS-DA and GS-DA, LbC produces new data samples by employing design knowledge. Experimental results highlight LbC's superior predictive accuracy compared to traditional regression methods. Offering a streamlined semi-supervised learning methodology, LbC effectively incorporates simple design knowledge and representation learning for efficient analog performance modeling.
Event Type
Research Manuscript
TimeThursday, June 2711:15am - 11:30am PDT
Location3002, 3rd Floor
Analog CAD, Simulation, Verification and Test