

SC-GNN: A Communication-Efficient Semantic Compression for Distributed Training of GNNs
DescriptionTraining big graph neural networks (GNNs) in distributed systems is quite time-consuming mainly because of the ubiquitous aggregate operations that involve a large amount of cross-partition communication for collecting embeddings/gradients during the forward and backward propagations. To reduce the volume of the communication, some recent approaches focused on decaying each of connections via sampling, quantifying, or delaying until satisfactory trade-off are obtained between volume and accuracy. However, when applied to popular GNNs, those approaches are found to be bounded by a common volume/accuracy Pareto frontier which shows that the decaying for individual connection cannot further accelerate the aggregate of training. In this work, SC-GNN, a semantic compression of the cross-partition communication, is proposed to concentrate a group of connections as a high-level semantics and transmit to a target partition. Since carrying the overall intent of a group, the semantics can keep transferring the interactions, i.e., embeddings/gradients, between a pair of remote partitions until GNN models converge. In addition, a connection-pattern based differential optimization is proposed to further prune those weak connections, while guaranteeing the training accuracy. The results show that, for multi-field datasets, the compression rate of SC-GNN is 40.8 times higher than SOTA methods and the epoch time is reduced to 31.77% on average.
Event Type
Research Manuscript
TimeTuesday, June 2511:15am - 11:30am PDT
Location3003, 3rd Floor
AI/ML Architecture Design