

Research Manuscript: Edgevolution: Transforming Edge Computing Paradigms
Description"Edgevolution" presents cutting-edge research driving the evolution of edge computing paradigms. Papers in this session present innovative solutions such as accelerating Simulink model simulations via code generation, parallelizing SystemC TLM-2.0 CPU models for high-performance virtual platforms, and maximizing accuracy in FinFET-based real-time computing. Additionally, the session introduces emerging applications, including collaborative user-driven recommendation systems for edge devices, on-device LLM personalization with selective synthetic data, and a physics-guided generative AI toolkit for geophysical monitoring on edge devices. These contributions collectively propel the advancement of edge computing, offering transformative solutions for enhanced acceleration and intelligence at the edge.
Event TypeResearch Manuscript
TimeTuesday, June 2510:30am - 12:00pm PDT
Location3004, 3rd Floor
Embedded Systems
Embedded System Design Tools and Methodologies