

Formal Tool Kit – A quick setup solution for formal analysis
DescriptionFormal Verification is one of the major focus areas in the recent days to minimize project cycle times, faster coverage and easy plug and use models. With the increase in computing power and formal tools, the usage of formal in mainstream projects is increasing rapidly. Formal verification setup is done in 2 major steps: 1. Learning and setting up the specific application of any given formal tool, writing specific input files for it, 2. Learning tool commands, writing assertions, Report analysis and debug. Step one requires prior knowledge about each application, their use case and specific commands that are required to run it, which changes for each app. Step 2 requires the user a new specific tool input file for every application he wants to run. Here we are specifying a methodology Formal Tool Kit(FTK) for direct and easy setup by introducing a custom format to give inputs which can be reused for every app and tool the user intends to run. This in turn greatly reduces the setup time taken by the user. FTK also provided additional tools for user to analyze and organize reports for easier debug and reruns.
Event Type
Engineering Track Poster
TimeTuesday, June 255:15pm - 5:16pm PDT
LocationLevel 2 Exhibit Hall
Back-End Design
Embedded Systems
Front-End Design