

A Methodology to Predict IR Drop Enhancement in BSPDN Compared to FSPDN by Formulating the On-Die IR Drop
DescriptionBackside Power Delivery Network (BSPDN) is a Design Technology Co-Optimization (DTCO) method aimed at sustaining Moore's Law. It achieves this by relocating the Power Delivery Network (PDN) inside silicon, transitioning from the front-side to the back-side, thereby freeing up routing resources for improved signal routing. The improvement in IR drop compared to the traditional Frontside Power Delivery Network (FSPDN) is also noteworthy. Traditional IR drop analysis takes months from PDK released, P&R, IR analysis. In this paper, we propose a methodology to estimate the IR drop enhancement of BSPDN at early stage. We initially model the Power Delivery Network (PDN) using a simplified resistance and current model. Based on this simplified model, we derive a formula to calculate the IR drop. This formula is applicable to model IR drop for both BSPDN and FSPDN. Utilizing this method allows us to estimate IR drop before the actual Place and Route (P&R) tasks are completed, thereby speeding up the Design Technology Co-Optimization (DTCO) iteration. To demonstrate the correlation, we implement a real design and analyze IR drop using Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools. The results indicate that this methodology is effective in estimating IR drop before the design is implemented, thereby benefiting DTCO.
Event Type
Back-End Design
TimeTuesday, June 2510:30am - 10:48am PDT
Location2008, 2nd Floor
Back-End Design
Engineering Tracks