

Flash-based storage systems exploiting the data period for performance and security enhancement
DescriptionWhen deleting data in the storage, the host system creates I/O requests for the data and sends them to the storage. Besides, if the host system sanitizes the data, it should also handle other I/O processes. Since the deletion processes might burden the host system, the file system in the host system could store its small metadata only in the storage to minimize the overhead. This kind of data management could be effective for better performance. However, in this case, the data supposed to be deleted cannot help but remain in the storage. In our flash-based storage system, we propose a novel scheme to eliminate all the I/O resources for the deletion processes in the host system. Moreover, this new flash-based storage thoroughly sanitizes the data without other specified I/O commands. Consequently, we experimented with the new flash-based storage called PaFS and compared the overall performance with the legacy storage.
Event Type
Engineering Track Poster
TimeTuesday, June 255:33pm - 5:34pm PDT
LocationLevel 2 Exhibit Hall
Back-End Design
Embedded Systems
Front-End Design