

Samsung's IP QA methodology using Solido Crosscheck
DescriptionSamsung recognizes the critical importance of maintaining consistency and reliability across multiple library IP design kits with diverse flavors and technology nodes. From the SoC designer's perspective, a uniform foundation IP is paramount for a seamless design process, while the IP integrator must ensure the reliability of incoming IP to prevent integration issues that could lead to delays and increased costs.

Samsung's commitment to customers' requirements means that all IPs, regardless of their source, meet stringent reliability and consistency standards. The complexity of IP design at smaller technology nodes necessitates a systematic QA system, to detect and rectify issues early in the design flow, contributing to a more efficient and reliable development process.

In this paper, we will discuss how Samsung has deployed a comprehensive IP QA flow, integrating Siemens' Solido Crosscheck for automated and extensive validation at both fundamental and advanced QA levels. We cover the scalability and efficiency of the automated sign-off flow that not only reduces time and engineering efforts but also results in better silicon quality and shorter production schedules, benefiting both production and integration teams.
Event Type
TimeWednesday, June 262:42pm - 3:00pm PDT
Location2012, 2nd Floor
Engineering Tracks