

GNNavigator: Towards Adaptive Training of Graph Neural Networks via Automatic Guideline Exploration
DescriptionGraph Neural Networks (GNNs) succeed significantly in many applications recently. However, balancing GNNs training runtime cost, memory consumption, and attainable accuracy for various applications is non-trivial. Previous training methodologies suffer from inferior adaptability and lack a unified training optimization solution. To address the problem, this work proposes GNNavigator, an adaptive GNN training configuration optimization framework. GNNavigator meets diverse GNN application requirements due to our unified software-hardware co-abstraction, proposed GNNs training performance model, and practical design space exploration solution. Experimental results show that GNNavigator can achieve up to 3.1X speedup and 44.9% peak memory reduction with comparable accuracy to state-of-the-art approaches.
Event Type
Research Manuscript
TimeWednesday, June 2611:30am - 11:45am PDT
Location3001, 3rd Floor
AI/ML Algorithms