

Risk Management in Volume Diagnostics
DescriptionWafer diagnostics plays the key role in enabling yield pull-in by providing critical data for yield improvement at foundry. The key deliverables are defect candidate data for failure analysis(FA) and wafer sort analysis. Foundry encounters issues with missing wafer data, delayed data, wrong/partial data for volume diagnostics. These are due to various factors outside control of the diagnostics team and mini eco-system is required to enable the processing of wafers provided by foundry and revert back with defect data. Management needs to prioritize the wafers processing on a daily basis while managing costs. Efficient tools are available and are being built by design houses. However, they rely upon multiple teams internal and external for their performance. FMEA is the framework that was utilized to provide a decision support system for risk management. This paper will discuss the implementation aspects and its benefits. A framework for implementation is also provided for ease of use and replication into other design flows.
Event Type
Engineering Track Poster
TimeTuesday, June 255:45pm - 5:45pm PDT
LocationLevel 2 Exhibit Hall
Back-End Design
Embedded Systems
Front-End Design