

A Decade of Evolution in Formal Verification
DescriptionNearly a decade ago, in July 2015, we released the 1st edition of our book "Formal Verification: An Essential Toolkit for Modern VLSI Design". This book was well-received in the industry, being essentially the first practical modern guidebook on the topic of Formal Verification (FV) aimed at active engineers designing and validating RTL models, rather than theoretical researchers. However, we are part of a rapidly evolving field, and our notion of best practices for FV has undergone many changes in the years since the initial release. We have also gained a variety of different experiences— while all three authors had worked together at Intel when beginning the first edition, since then one author moved to academia, and another moved from Intel to EDA vendor Cadence. It is the gradual accumulation of these changes and varied new learnings that eventually motivated us to put out a heavily revised 2nd edition, released in June 2023. Since not every FV practitioner has purchased our 2nd edition, or has kept completely up-to-date with FV methodology at other companies in the industry, we think it will be useful to summarize some of the major areas in which FV practice has changed and improved in the years leading up to our 2nd edition. This information will help current designers, validators, and FV specialists to improve their practices and enable them to better incorporate the industry's latest learnings.
Event Type
Engineering Track Poster
TimeMonday, June 245:00pm - 6:00pm PDT
LocationLevel 2 Exhibit Hall
Back-End Design
Embedded Systems
Front-End Design